Only registered and logged in users can download files from this category.
White Paper: Cognitive Automation Overview |
Release 3.8 StreamScape-CognitiveAutomatio...2.1.pdf |
A general discussion on Cognitive Automation and its application to a wide variety of use cases. |
2021-03-19 3.8 762.58 KB 0 |
White Paper: Cognitive Automation for IT Ops |
Release 3.8 StreamScape-AIOps-Automation-1.3.pdf |
An overview of Cognitive Automation and its application to IT Operations. |
2021-03-19 3.8 667.71 KB 2 |
Solution: Intelligent Workspaces |
Release 3.8 StreamScape-IntelligentWorkspa...1.2.pdf |
A data sheet that outlines a solution for Intelligent Workspaces and the benefits of document classification. |
2021-03-19 3.8 293.48 KB 3 |
Solution: Managed Services for AWS |
Release 3.8 StreamScape-ManagedServices-AWS-1.3.pdf |
A data sheet that outlines a solution for Managed AWS Services and the benefits of Cognitive Automation. |
2021-03-19 3.8 335.44 KB 3 |
Solution: Cognitive Analytics for Life Sciences |
Release 3.8 StreamScape-CognitiveAnalytics...1.1.pdf |
A data sheet that outlines a solution for Life Sciences and the benefits of Cognitive Analytics. |
2021-03-19 3.8 284.13 KB 1 |
Data Sheet: Real-Time Analytics for Ops |
Release 3.8 StreamScape-DataSheet-Ops-Anal...3.8.pdf |
A data sheet that outlines a the features and benefits of Stream Analytics for Operations and Machine Data. |
2021-03-19 3.8 376.54 KB 1 |
Data Sheet: Salesforce Integration |
Release 3.8 StreamScape-DataSheet-SF-Integ...3.8.pdf |
A data sheet that outlines a features and capabilities of the platform for Salesforce Integration. |
2021-03-19 3.8 485.33 KB 4 |
Data Sheet: Change Data Capture + Replication |
Release 3.8 StreamScape-DataSheet-CDC-Repl...3.7.pdf |
A data sheet that outlines the platform's Change Data Capture and Replication capabilities. |
2021-03-19 3.8 386.61 KB 0 |
Data Sheet: Data Integration for MongoDB |
Release 3.8 Agile+DataAnalysis+Mongo.pdf |
A data sheet that outlines features and capabilities for Data Integration with MongoDB. |
2021-03-19 3.8 610.63 KB 1 |
Data Sheet: Data Integration for Hadoop |
Release 3.8 Agile+DataAnalysis+Hadoop.pdf |
A data sheet that outlines features and capabilities for Data Integration with Hadoop. |
2021-03-19 3,8 630 KB 0 |