No-Code Applications for AI + Big Data
No-code and low-code technologies make it easy for programmers and "citizen developers" to create feature-rich applications using workflow and graphical tools, instead of writing code. Althought more evolutionary then revolutionary, the goal of low-code and no-code movement is to accelerate cloud, web and mobile application delivery, simplifying the client task of building immersive and cost-effective visual interfaces.
At StreamScape we believe the next revolution is happening in data navigation and visualization applications. Driven by the need to work with multi-dimensional data and conceptualize things that are increasingly more abstract, our KnowlegeWorks™ platform combines simplicity of drag-and-drop with the power and flexibility of a data fabic to enabe customer-driven innovation. Unlike traditional full-stack application environments, low-code and no-code platforms leverage visual design, workflow automation and integrated AI capabilities making it easy for customers to build solutions that connect data and processes with people. This approach is increasingly being used by businesses to modernize legcy systems and deliver new, mission-critical applications.